77 research outputs found

    Towards a new vision of Information System Engineering.

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    Information Technologies bear the potential of new uses. These uses provoke a new organization which induces a new vision of software engineering. Under the influence of globalization, and the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that modify radically our relationship with space and time, the hierarchical company locked up on its local borders becomes an Extended Company, without borders, opened and adaptable. In this context, this paper proposes a shift in the way the design of information systems is viewed, so that the digital information system and potential user are in harmony right from the design stage of the system. The goal is to help to design systems that are useful. It will therefore be a matter of distributed intelligence of the situation in terms of interactions and cooperative partners rather than in terms of a more passive user. This means putting at the disposal of the user, seen as a "partner", a system that will help him or her think more efficiently about a situation. The approach adopted is a global philosophy based on business process management within the framework of all the methodological principles. The research described here is therefore a contribution to the software engineering.User; Software Engineering; Information System; Business Process Management; Extended Company; Digital Information System;

    GAMETH A Process Modeling Approach to Identify and Locate Crucial Knowledge.

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    In a knowledge management initiative, one of the main issues is to identify and locate which knowledge to capitalize on. To deal with this issue, a General Analysis Methodology so called GAMETH® has been developed. In this article, we describe the postulates, the guiding principles, and the main phases, which constitute the basis of GAMETH® Framework. Notably, we emphasize the process modeling approach that is inherent to the second phase of the methodology. This process modeling approach supports the effective capability to locate and identify “crucial knowledge”. Furthermore, we present lessons learned from two case studies.Process modeling; Knowledge Management (KM); GAMETH; Identifying and Locating Company’s Crucial Knowledge; Crucial knowledge;

    Generalizing GAMETH: Inference rule procedure..

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    In this paper we present a generalisation of GAMETH framework, that play an important role in identifying crucial knowledge. Thus, we have developed a method based on three phases. In the first phase, we have used GAMETH to identify the set of “reference knowledge”. During the second phase, decision rules are inferred, through rough sets theory, from decision assignments provided by the decision maker(s). In the third phase, a multicriteria classification of “potential crucial knowledge” is performed on the basis of the decision rules that have been collectively identified by the decision maker(s).Knowledge Management; Knowledge Capitalizing; Managing knowledge; crucial knowledge;

    Challenges in Capitalizing Knowledge in Innovative Product Design Process.

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    Capitalizing on company’s knowledge is increasingly being recognized in a private organizations environment since managing knowledge productivity is considered a source of competitive advantage. In this paper we present a generalization of GAMETH framework, that play an important role in identifying crucial knowledge used and created in innovative product design process. Thus, we have developed a method based on three phases. In the first phase, we have used GAMETH to identify the set of “reference knowledge”. During the second phase, decision rules are inferred, through rough sets theory, from decision assignments provided by the decision maker(s). In the third phase, a multicriteria classification of “potential crucial knowledge” is performed on the basis of the decision rules that have been collectively identified by the decision maker(s).Dominance Rough set approach; Decision rules; Multi- criteria classification; crucial knowledge; Knowledge Capitalizing;

    Une aide à la décision pour le repérage des connaissances potentiellement cruciales dans un projet de conception : application du cadre directeur GAMETH.

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    Dans un projet de conception dâun produit, certaines connaissances utilisées et produites sont exploitées par des projets connexes : adaptations, mise au point, innovation de produits sâappuyant sur les connaissances utilisées et produites au cours du projet. Le problème est dâaider les parties prenantes du projet à repérer ces connaissances et à choisir celles qui devront faire lâobjet dâune étude de capitalisation spécifique. Cela consiste à trouver une démarche dâaide à la décision permettant de déterminer les connaissances cruciales pour des projets de conception. Pour répondre à ce type de problème, dans le contexte de la conception d'un composant automobile dans une grande entreprise française, la démarche proposée par le cadre directeur GAMETH [GRU 00a] a été appliquée. Cette démarche sâappuie sur un paradigme constructiviste, au sens de Bernard Roy [R0Y 83], c'est-à-dire une démarche évolutive en accord permanent avec les parties prenantes. La solution doit être un construit, elle ne préexiste pas à sa conception. Elle résulte des interactions entre les différents acteurs concernés par la démarche [ROS 96]. Cela a conduit à la nécessité d'améliorer la façon d'aborder la question de qualification des connaissances qui était jusqu'à là traitée sous lâaspect dâune analyse de la valeur fondée sur la notion de vulnérabilité des connaissances (rareté, accessibilité, coût et délai dâacquisition) et de lâinfluences de ce facteur sur la vie de l'entreprise, ses marchés, sa stratégie. Dans ce chapitre, après avoir positionné lâaide à la décision pour répondre au problème de choix posé ci-dessus, le cadre directeur GAMETH est décrit et positionné par rapport à lâaide à la décision pour identifier les connaissances potentiellement cruciales . Une application de GAMETH dans le domaine de la conception dâun composant automobile, effectuée dans le cadre dâune recherche-action, est décrite [SAA, 03a][SAA, 03b]. Enfin un modèle de qualification des connaissances est présenté. Pour des raisons de confidentialité, les exemples traités, certaines figures et les commentaires associés restent à un niveau générique.Systèmes d'information; Knowledge Management; Gestion des connaissances;

    Population Behaviors in Crisis Situations - A Study of Behavioral Factors in the PPI Ineos Emergency Response Exercise

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    Warnings can help to prevent damage and harm if they are issued timely and provide information that helps respondents and population to adequately prepare for the disaster to come. Today, many indicators and sensor systems are designed to produce alert and reduce disaster risks. These systems have proved to be effective but, as all systems including human beings, part of the system remains unpredictable. Each person behaves differently when a problem arises. We study in this paper the reactions of the population of Verdun, in France, during a public safety exercise. This exercise simulated a chemical risk alert, including the population participation. We propose here an analysis of people\u27s reactions during this exercise, based on interviews and surveys, and according to different behavioral factors

    Supporting a Multiple Channel Architecture Design: The UML Contribution in a Virtual Banking Environment

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    Many retail banks – those institutions serving individuals and small corporate customers – are entering in the virtual banking arena. Financial services and products are available to customers almost everywhere through a multitude of alternative channels: phone, the Internet, automated teller machines, and so on. From a technological point of view the problem is to design, build and maintain a coherent information system (IS) infrastructure. Unfortunately, the “perfect” IS architecture remains an ever-moving target. Nevertheless recent developments in information system modelling (i.e. the Unified Modelling Language concepts) could give a valuable answer to crucial problems like the need to achieve and preserve long-run firm\u27s adaptability to the technological developments and new business challenges. At the same time the model helps in building a coherent picture of the virtual bank and its delivery channels

    Une contribution méthodologique pour l'aide à l' identification et l'évaluation des connaissances nécessitant une opération de capitalisation

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    Cette thèse traite de la problématique d'identification et d'évaluation des connaissances nécessitant une opération de capitalisation. Nous cherchons à identifier, d'une part les connaissances explicites ou tacites explicitables (à préserver dans la mémoire d'entreprise), et d'autre part les connaissances tacites non explicitables. La méthode proposée est composée de deux phases : une phase d'apprentissage et une phase de classification des nouvelles connaissances. La première phase consiste à déterminer des " connaissances de référence " en utilisant le cadre directeur GAMETHâ, à les évaluer sur une famille cohérente de critères et à inférer des règles de décision à l'aide de la méthode DRSA. La seconde phase consiste à exploiter l'ensemble des règles de décision pour classifier des nouvelles connaissances que nous appelons " connaissances potentiellement cruciales ". La méthode a été appliquée et validée chez PSA. Elle a été implémentée dans un système interactif d'aide à la décision.This thesis deals with the issue of identification and evaluation of crucial knowledge, i.e., knowledge that requires capitalizing. We aim at identifying, on the one hand, the explicit and tacit knowledge (to be preserved in the corporate memory), and on the other hand the tacit knowledge that is hard to formalize. The proposed method consists of two phases. During the first phase, decision rules are inferred, through the DRSA (Dominance based Rough set approach) method, from decision assignments provided by the decision maker(s). It includes the identification, using GAMETHâ framework, of a set of reference knowledge and its evaluation with respect to a convenient set of criteria. In the second phase, a multicriteria classification of potential crucial knowledge is performed on the basis of the decision rules that have been collectively identified by the decision maker(s). The method has been successfully applied and validated in a car company (PSA). In addition, it was implemented in a decision support system.PARIS-DAUPHINE-BU (751162101) / SudocSudocFranceF